Monday, July 13, 2015

One more from Session 1: Advanced Fishing

It's Session #2! It's going great. It super hot and super dinosaur-y (dinosaur-esque? dinosaur-like? Nope. Dinosaur-y) and super fun! Take my word for it. But that's not what this post is about! This post is one more post about Session #1, and our first every advanced fishing class.

We love to throw in a couple new classes each summer, and we'll be doing a blog-post  focusing on each of them throughout the season.

First up is Advanced Fishing. Fishing has long been one of our most popular classes, and after we accidentally discovered the Flatbrook River on a hike (well, discovered it for us. Other people had discovered it before.) we thought a Fishing class featuring a lunch hike and some premier catch-and-release trout fishing sounded like a swell idea.

The graduating class of on our inaugural Fishing hike.

A fine spot for some fishing and some lunch.

Woodrow the Camp Dog decided to tag along.

A beautiful spot un-like anywhere else our campers will see during their Camp week.

Stokes Forest and beyond offers some great areas that are Off-Camp but not quite off camp. Or away from Camp, but no truly away from Camp. If you know what I mean. No? Come take  Advanced Fishing and you will.

They even caught a trout! Really. No, I don't have photo evidence. But our long-time camper Ethan does! He might provide it to me and I might then provide it you. But it happened. First class, first hike, first fish. Check them all off the list.

NEXT TIME: Oh, it is Session # 2. And I'll prove it. With pictures.

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