Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Summer Twenty Tuesdays! Time for Tilman.


A 4-H Camp...


We are fortunate...

To be located...

Under two miles...

From one of...

The prettiest little spots...

In all of New Jersey:

Stokes Forest's own...

Tilman Ravine!

And, for pretty much...

As long as there's been...

A 4-H Camp...

There's been the habit...

Of taking a break...

From the Camp routine...

And taking a stroll....

Down to Tilman's. 

This particular trip...

You're seeing highlights from...


During our BIG Session...

And was an "All-Camp hike"...

Where everyone...

Who wanted...

To come along...

Was able...


Join in. 

And as much...

As 4-H Camp...

Give us all...

We need...

In a...

Home away from home...

It's also pretty nice...

To have such a magical location...

To walk to...

And then...

Hike on...




Friday, October 21, 2022

Autumn Friday

We thought...

We'd brighten up...

The end of your week...

With a peek...

At some golden sunshine...

Illuminating some golden leaves...

Of some of our favorite trees...

On a mid-October 4-H Camp morning.

While you're enjoying the leaves,

You can also enjoy the announcement of dates and themes for Summer '23!


You can plan a trip to see where these leaves USED to be at our Winter Gathering!
OR, you could simply enjoy the leaves and enjoy your Friday. Entirely up to you.