Monday, October 17, 2022

Announcing Summer 2023!!!

If you're the type of person who's been checking our website daily and refreshing frequently for the Summer '23 schedule, wait and check and refresh no longer - the time is here!

Registration opens in one month, on November 15th - so you've got some time to pick your session, tell some friends (if you'd like to join our Lantern Program), and start looking forward to Summer '23.

More details available on our website, and of course feel free to call the Camp Office (973-948-3550) with any and all questions, or just to say hello.

Session #1: Pirates of Lake Shawanni (July 3rd-8th)

We kick off the summer with PIRATES week, when Lake Shawanni becomes our seven seas and all the campers shall join together as mateys. Shores will be ahoyed, timbers will be shivered, and treasure will be plundered (as talking like a Pirate more than necessary will be key to the week.) Captain Sompton O’Rudder will almost certainly once again be up to no good. Through all the fun, adventure, and misadventure of Pirate Week, we’ll also be sure to avoid scurvy with our supply of fresh fruit.

Session #2: Whodunnit? (July 10th-15th)

The mystery of this week runs so deep that we can’t give out too many details, but suffice to say there will be an incident so surprising, so confounding, so mysterious that the entire Camp community will need to work together to solve it. It’s too mysterious to describe further in this public forum, and campers will need to sort through all the clues, hints, tip-offs, suspects and red-herrings to get to the bottom of this puzzle wrapped in a riddle hidden within an enigma all tied together by a cryptogram.

Session #3: Broken Time Machine (July 17th-22nd)

We’re going all the way to the back of the maintenance shop to dust off and haul out the trusty Lindley G. Cook 4-H Camp Time Machine! Sure, it’s been sitting idle for a couple seasons, but we’re sure the ol’ thing still works just fine. We’ll fire the contraption up and journey to all the great historic time periods, from the Stone Age to Ancient Rome to The Renaissance and off to the future and beyond. It’ll go great, and we’ll get to and from all our destinations with no issues or exciting mishaps whatsoever. Like everything else on our 70-year-old facility, it’s held up fine and we never have any problems with it, so the Time Machine is sure to work perfectly and certainly won’t be broken at all.

Session #4: CAmPaNdeMoNiUM (July 24th-29th)

Camp (proper noun) - Colloquial shortened term referring to L.G. Cook 4-H Camp, your classic-rustic-tech-free-new-friend-making-caring-community-building-more-fun-than-you-can-shake-a-stick-summer-home-away-from-home.

Pandemonium (noun)- Wild and noisy disorder and confusion. An uproar.

CAmPaNdeMoNiUM (also a noun. Maybe a verb?) - Just you wait and see.

It’s going to be a switch-up, change-up, up-change, up-switch kind of week: Camp locations will shuffle, activities will jumble, roles will rearrange, and let’s just say we already know that we’ve never had a 4-H Camp week quite like CAmPaNdeMoNiUM.

BIG Session #5: S'moregasbord (August 2nd-19th)

This August, we are offering our 3rd annual BIG SESSION. Designed for returning campers who have already loved their time at 4-H Camp in the past (or new campers who are confident that 4-H Camp is the place for them to spend most of a month), simply put, it’s a lot MORE CAMP. If the one week sessions are a go-go-go “event”, then the Big Session is all about the “camp lifestyle” where campers get the opportunity to just enjoy residing at 4-H Camp for an extended period of time. Featuring all the themes and activities from earlier in the summer, our BIG classes, and a ton of activities exclusive to our Big Session, we build a special kind of community during S’moregasbord that can only be accomplished in 18 straight days at 4-H Camp. (More details here.)

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