Monday, March 30, 2020

Welcome to 4-H Camp

Our new welcome sign.

Yes, we've added a little bit more ornamentation up at the front entrance of 4-H Camp!

Now, some might think it a bit ironic to install a brand-new "Welcome to 4-H Camp" sign specifically at a time that we are unable to currently welcome anyone to 4-H Camp.

But we don't think so! We think it's perfectly fitting! Here's why:

1) We're spending a lot of time and energy looking forward to when we once again CAN welcome folks back to Camp!

At this point, we are both hopeful and optimistic that we will be able to run the 2020 Summer Season in some semblance of "business as usual." As summer camp is still over 3 months away, it is of course still far to early too know, but ideally that large amount of time will work to the benefit of being able to hold Camp. Overnight summer camps are overseen closely by the State and County Health Departments, and we will of course be following their policies and guidelines, as well as those of Rutgers University, as to how to proceed. We'll keep you in the loop, and you can join us in hoping for the best for 4-H Camp 2020.

2) As the Camp Family so well knows, 4-H Camp is not just a place! It's a state of mind. It's a set of ideas and ideals. And more than anything, it's a group of people! And in interesting times, we're trying to find new ways to welcome them.

Our staff has been thinking about all of our campers who have had their springs up-ended. and thought they could probably use a little early summer camp in their lives. Here's what we've come up with to offer:

  • Tech Free Challenge Activities: Soon to be featured on RIGHT HERE on the Camp Blog, we'll have some do-it-yourself tech-free Campy projects curated by our summer staff. We know that we've ALL been spending a lot more time on our screens over the last few weeks, so these projects will allow campers to engage in some creativity and move around a bit as they engage in some at-home activities inspired by various aspects of the Camp day. (Starting this week on the Camp Blog.)
  • Vespers: At Summer Camp, Vespers is a time in the evening to reflect on the day, and for a staff member to share a thought or lead a conversation. Seems like something we could use a little of right now! Tuesday-Thursday (the Camp days we hold Vespers), staff members will be sharing a video Vespers with the Camp Community. (Starting this week on Instagram @lindleygcook4hcamp and the Camp Blog.)
  • Interactive Summer Camp At Home Programs: We're still putting this one together, but we imagine one of the things our campers miss the most is some interaction! Therefore, we'll be hosting some time for them to spend with summer staff and each other, playing games, singing songs, and having some fun "campy" conversations. We'll hold these via Zoom teleconferencing, and will be in touch soon with details as to schedule and how you can sign your camper up. (Probably kicking-off some time in the not-to-distant future. You'll receive updates!)

So! Until we can again welcome you to 4-H Camp...Welcome to 4-H Camp.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Spring Snow

Good Morning! 

Monday morning brought 4-H Camp a little spring time snow...

And a lot of cold, cold, cold springtime rain.

It actually the kind of weather...that makes it okay if you happen to be stuck inside.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Camp Dog in the Camp Sunshine

Chances are, you might just be having a day that's a little confusing! Or a little stressful! Or a little-out-of-the-ordinary-and-not-in-your-preferred-out-of-the-ordinary-kind-of-way!

If that's the case (or even if it's not), we thought we'd offer a little 4-H Camp style Vespers meditation time.


Step One: Take a deep breath.

Step two: Relax.

Step three: Picture yourself beside Lake Shawanni and scroll through the following pictures...slowly.


I said slowly.

Relax! Deep breath.

Slower than that.

Slower still.

That's about right.

Now pretend you're...

The Camp Dog.

Soak up...

The sunshine.

(Keep scrolling slowly!

I noticed you speeding up.)

Back to being the Camp Dog.


Lie down.



Smell the grass!

Feel the grass!

Bite the grass!

(Okay. You don't have to bite the grass...

If you don't want to.)

Look around! At the woods!

Now look the other way! At the lake!

Stretch again.

Think a peaceful thought.

Think a peaceful-er thought.

Think nothing.

Look at the lake again.

Walk to your favorite spot on Camp.

Stand there. Stay there. 

Relax again. And for a while.

Repeat. As often as needed. By going back up to the top. And starting all over again.

And that's...
The Camp Dog's Vespers.

Thanks to Woodrow for walking around, thanks to the sun for shining, and thank YOU for joining us. We hope you just got a little Summer Camp joy where ever you're at right now.

More soon.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

The 4-H Mix!!!!

The moment we've all been waiting for!

Our camper Alexander's "4-H Mix" is finally ready for its public premiere.

For all of you who might need a little entertainment, a little cheering up, a little bit of that indescribable, ill-definable, inconceivable Summer Camp zaniness...enjoy.

(And make some popcorn. It is feature length.)