Sunday, July 2, 2017

Our Counselors become CO-Counselors...

After a long, long, long, three seasons of Off-Season spent waiting...Summer Camp begins TOMORROW!

That means tonight we will be welcoming some of our first campers for our Camp Eve celebration.

Who is we? Why, the counselor staff of course, who you've met individually over the months through many volumes (and many more volumes) of our Meet the Staff series...but they are individuals no longer: NOW, they're the Summer Staff Team of 2017.

To demonstrate this, we'll be taking you behind the curtain (or more accurate here at Camp, behind the tarp) for a glimpse at our Staff Training...

It's finally time!

After a week of training...

We're announcing Co-Counselor pairings and Cabin Assignments!

But since it's Camp...

Y'know we can't just announce like normal people...

We've got to make it a game!

Filled with suspense...

And then the excitement of the summer to come.

Who's your Co-Counselor?

SHE'S your Co-Counselor!

Who's it gonna be?!

That's who it's gonna be!

Yes, pairing after pairing...

Primed us for weeks ahead...

As together...

These Co-Counselors...

Will work tirelessly...

To turn a cabin into a home, together.

Who's gonna have your back...

Through hot days...

Long nights...

And a hundred thousand crazy...



Your Co-Counselors.

That's who.

Yes, it might all seems a bit ridiculous...

(And it is...)

But Summer Camp is a team sport.

And in a team sport...

Nothing matters more...

Than who's on your team.

But it's not enough to be assigned to a cabin together!

We need to train to work together!

To efficiently execute the role of Camp Counselor...

And create a Summer Camp together!

So we jump right into our patented...

"So YOU Want to be Co-Counselors"...

Obstacle course.

With stations on Camper Care...

Facilitating Friendships...

And the other tall challenges...

Facing any self-respecting dyed-in-the-wool Summer Camp staff.

(It's a very advanced, technical obstacle course. As you can see.)

And we end the evening with...

Our Staff Training In Review...

Game Show.

Because of course we do.

We go over the puzzling scenarios...

Ask the hard questions...

Remember the Camp lingo...

Recite the Camp slogans...

Solve the tough situations...

Test how well we know each other...

And even laugh...

(Just a little bit.)

We also get to buzz in by hitting metal bowls with spoons.

Which improves any activity.

And when the points were finally tallied...

Who was the winner of "So You Want To Be Co-Counselors?"

It was Cabin #3!

But of course it wasn't just Cabin #3.

(Cause indeed, the result of any Camp points - JUST DOESN'T MATTER.)

The real winner was all of us! But also not really.

The REAL winners are our campers showing up tomorrow, who get these fine folks as their cabin counselors. 


Can't wait.

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