Thursday, April 16, 2015

Meet the Staff of '15: The Samalander Interviews Tara

The tenth installment of our 17ish part series:  Meet the Summer Staff of 2015!

Sam "Samalander" Dolan

EE Counselor


Tara McCarter
EE Counselor

Sam: What is your favorite outdoor activity?

Tara: My favourite outdoor activity is probably playing field hockey with my team.

Sam: What is your least favorite school subject and why? 

Tara: French, just because I am really bad at languages. Saying that I have now, at university, voluntary chosen to learn french. I must be crazy. 

Sam: I'm not really great at languages either. haha. What is the coolest place you've ever been? 

Tara: I have visited a beautiful waterfall in the middle of the amazon rainforest in Guyana, South America. It was so remote and we had to get a aeroplane to visit it. 

Sam: That sounds pretty amazing. What are you most excited for about camp? 

Tara: Coming to a different country spending the time outside in the sun and meeting new people. 

Sam: Describe your favorite shirt and why is it your favorite? 

Tara: I'm not sure I have ever thought about it, but it could have to be one that is really comfortable that I would wear around the house. 

Sam: Those are definitely the best kind of shirts. What is your favorite thing to do in the summer? 

Tara: Meeting up with friends and cycling to the next village where we would spend the day sitting on the grass and eating ice cream. 

Sam: What is the most exciting thing you've ever received in the mail? 

Tara: A letter from my friend that was in South Africa at the time and I hadn't seen for about 5 months. 

Sam: If you could make a hybrid of any two animals what would they be, what would the new animal be called, and why?

Tara: I think a dolphin and a parrot this animal could then be possible to swim and fly. It would be possible for the animal to go anywhere. the name would be Dolrot (sorry it is not very good). 

Sam: Haha, that's great. swimming and flying. Mine would be a chipmunk and a hermit crab. I just think it sounds adorable. What do you hope to learn this summer at camp? 

Tara: Learn about the camp experience and see why lots of people decide to go. learn about America and overall just have an amazing summer. 

Sam: What do you want to be when(if. haha.) you grow up?

Tara: I'm not sure yet luckily I have still got one more year at university to decide (avoid) what to do.

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