Thursday, August 6, 2015

Session V: Camp Clue

A few years ago, us here at Camp thought "hey, that board game Clue is pretty fun.The only thing more fun would be if the mansion was our Camp, the suspects were the staff, and the weapons were common Camp items!" 

So then we did that. And it's become one of our most popular evening activities. It's just like the board game, except we play with the whole Camp as our board. (Actually, just in case any Parker Brother's representatives are reading this, Camp Clue is entirely our own invention and has no resemblance, connection, or inspiration from the popular and similarly titled family board game.)

Anyway! Where we last left off on Spy Week. Our own Agent Rattlesnake is MIA, and one of six spies is responsible. That spy also may know the identities of several Counselor double-agents residing in each of our groups. The campers must find their culprit using the most reliable Camp method we have...the process of elimination.

See! It's a drawing of Camp in the magnifying glass. We're awfully clever around here.

Was it Agent Etiquette?

At the White House?

With a kickball?

 SPOILER: No. No it wasn't. But our campers are ready to figure out who it WAS...was.

We meet our spy suspects.

The daring Agent Loca. But does she know more than she's letting on?

The very serious business of meeting the suspects.

Yup. This is what Camp Spies look like.

Now we're set for some detective work.

After we learn all the rules to the game, of course.

And practice our spy walking.

Good work squad.

Let's solve this thing.

Move along. Nothing but trees here.

Just a forest full of trees.

Agent Brogue awaits his inquisition. 

And it arrives! Ba-nah-now! (That was spy music.)

Was it YOU!? HERE!? With THAT!?

I wonder where all the campers could be...

On the move to the next potential scene of the crime.

We learned there are A LOT of options to choose from when walking stealthily like spy.

This, for instance, is always a popular choice.

Another fine selection.

Agent Whistle-Blower may hold the clues to blow this whole thing wide open. But will he divulge them?

Perhaps if we catch him unaware.

Perhaps if he thinks he's just talking to trees.

Perhaps if we walk...THIS STRANGE WAY!

Did it work? Did our campers find the WHO, the WHERE, the WHAT? Are we one step closer to uncovering the double agents and foiling the DARK AGENT's plan? FIND OUT ON THE NEXT THRILLING INSTALLMENT OF CAMP SPY WEEK.

NEXT TIME: Like I said. Y'know. The next thrilling installment.

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