Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Session #7: Another First Night of Camp

Yes, evenings at Camp are scenic!

Iconic! But before it's evening at Camp...

It's afternoon at Camp!

Where we do things like: Eco Art!

This is Eco-Art. Neat, huh?

We also do a thousand other things.

And doing a thousand other things...

Works up...

Our appetite.

Which is why...

We kick off...

Our Camp evening...




Wouldn't be...

A Camp Evening...

Without it.

Which brings us back to...

An iconic flag lowering...

A scenic sunset... 

And another good ol' start to the night...

At Summer Camp.

And since we've got one more opening Campfire...

For the 2017 season...

That means we've got one more batch of Animals Sign to select to represent our groups!

So many...

Good resident creatures...

Of Stokes State Forest...

To choose from!

So, we all put our...

Heads together...

And come up with the perfect decision.

The Blue Group's secret?

This week they didn't choose an animal at all.

Yes, signs are chosen...

Chants are written...

Songs are practiced...

And we all get set...

For the Opening Campfire.


Come on down...


Throw a log...

On the fire...

And start Session #7...

Off right.


We've got counselors to meet...

And we've got...

Animal Groups to meet...

(Bear! Good choice!)

Through skits...

And other such explanations.


Oh. They chose the rabbits. That's make more sense.

Well, like...slightly more sense.

Our third group selected...

A combination of the Sunfish and the Chipmunks.

Cause they wanted to be Fish and Chips, of course. 

And as the sky darkened, behind Lake Shawanni...

The Blue team presented their Animal Sign...

As the Camp Lantern itself.

(It was hanging up with all the others, after all.)

Not a bad way to cap off the first night of Session #7, Summer 2017.

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