Friday, August 4, 2017

Session #5:Class Time Travels and Time Travel Glitches

Class time!

A time...

For polishing up...

Our fishing skills...

And our taking-in...


A time for...



Exploring what?

Discovering what?



Y'know. The usual. 

A time for...


Your Dramatic Storytelling.


Class time...

Is a time...

We'd happily...

Travel to...

(If the time machine was working, that is...)



Enjoy it!

We enjoy it...

Because we get to try...

New things!

Like a lunch hike...

Up to a peak...

On the Appalachian Trail.

We enjoy it...


We get to learn to things!

Like how to... 

And responsibly...

Use the equipment...

Out on the ranges.

And as we...


And responsibly...

Use that equipment...

We get to challenge ourselves...

To learn, 

(And improve at!)

The skills...

That go along with it.

Which is...

A lot of fun...



And there's frogs out here as well.

But! Later!

Back to our Time Machine issue.

We find out...

There's now...

A glitch...

In the machine.

A glitch,

That when triggered...

Sends us...

Back in time...

Exactly ten minutes...

To the beginning of the activity...

Where we have to start the whole thing...

All over again.

As you can imagine...

This ended up happening a lot.

So our campers...

Had to keep trying to solve...

The same puzzles...

Over and over again...

Before time reset...

And rewound them back...

To where they started.

On top of that...

They had to deal...

With some unhelpful Time Machine Technicians...

Because we only bought...

A partial, limited warranty.

However, eventually...

Our campers took the knowledge...

They had gained from every previous...

Attempt at the puzzles...

And were able to get enough of a headstart...

To beat the time machine at its own game...

And complete the tasks...

Before the glitch...

Was able to reset us all...

And send us back to...

The beginning again.

This finally let us collect...

Enough Time Machine conductors...

(Cause why not...)

To send up the flag pole...

(Cause of course...)

And get the current we needed, to fix the glitch and stop going back in time.

But..only the glitch was fixed though. The Time Machine is still broken.

Cause it's the middle of the week! What would we do the rest of the time at Camp if we already fixed the Time Machine!?

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