Last month we showed off the first exhibit of our Camp History Project, and part of the beginning of that story.
Now, we're using the start of the new year to look back at some OLD years, and have begun to sift through just a few documents we've stumbled across in storage...
Yup. |
Just... |
A... |
Few. |
We're finding all sorts of great stuff... |
That tells the tale of how 4-H Camp went from being just a dream... |
To the reality we all enjoy together today. |
It's a tale we're looking forward to sharing with you... |
...After we do a lot more sifting. |
Looking forward to seeing more of this! I was a camper from 1961-64, jr. counselor in 1966 and 1967, and also attended Winter Camp and Work Camps. Mr. Murphy was the director at that time.