Thursday, September 12, 2024

Highlights of 4-H Camp at Rutgers Gardens - Part 1

 It's been TWO MONTHS since we launched our second summer of 4-H Camp at Rutgers Gardens

So to celebrate we will be sharing some highlights from the summer

Starting with the first half of our summer...

With our annual Kick-off Mini-Session

Our 3 Days of Flora Festival was jam packed

As we tried to fit in all the games...

nature exploration...

and expert activities

all around Rutgers Gardens...

Like at our student farm

and getting creative...

bonding with our cabins

and making new friends

Then after some closing ceremonies

we sadly had to say goodbye

to our first campers

of summer 2024

Then after a few short days...

we were able to greet a brand new group of campers

for our first ever Fantastic Fauna session

where we got to learn all about the animals and living creatures that live at Rutgers Gardens

From frogs

to bats

to whatever these creatures are

in between our expert activities we also had tons of time

to explore the Bamboo Forest

stop by Cook's Market

and play brand new games

like our epic battle of Predator Versus Prey


while we bonded with our cabins

and enjoyed our week

together at 4-H Camp at Rutgers Gardens

Stay tuned for highlights of weeks three and four!

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