Friday, February 1, 2019

A Change of Scenery

After several weeks (bordering on several months) of cold, and icy, and wintry 4-H Camp photos, I figured it was  time to switch it up with some different pictures of...

Different buildings...

With different-than-Camp architecture!

And diffrent-than-Camp...

Decorating styles!

Featuring slightly different...


Than you might see...

In Stokes Forest...

Or Lake Shawanni.

And we've got a lot of engraved, decorative stones around 4-H Camp...but not quite like this engraved stone.

And all these differences make sense, because...

(You guessed it!) I'm not at 4-H Camp.

I'm in London!

Yes, London! Where the full moon...

Is even closer!

And London! Where there's a man...

Playing a flaming tuba.
And I'm now convinced, 

That if there's any single addition that 4-H Camp needs...

It's a man playing a flaming tuba.

But I'm not in London just for the man playing the flaming tuba!

(Though I am here mostly for the man playing the flaming tuba...)

I'm also here for the Camp America Fair...

To find this year's batch of brand-new,  international camp counselors!

But first I need to figure out what's strange about this chair.

Wait! There's nothing strange about this chair!

It's the same as any other chair in the United Kingdom...

Because Phoebe Plunkett is magically hiding behind it!

(Seriously. Go to London searching for summer camp counselors...

And Phoebe Plunkett will mystically appear behind the nearest chair to help. Every time.)
She'll help you find counselors like Jakob!

Yes, Jakob! Who is going to be bringing his enthusiasm...

And his guitar...

Across the ocean with him...

To join our Creative Arts Department.

And counselors like Andy!

Who already had us cracking up...

Is all ready to join our Environmental Education crew...

And already has promised to teach us to build something called "cardboard canoes" this summer.

And counselors like Dan!

Who wanted to be a lifeguard only if he could ALSO be a cabin counselor!

Deal, Dan! That's exactly the kind of thing we can make happen round here.

And that's how simply our Summer Camp journeys begin!  From three quick January introductions in a conference hall in central London...

We're launched forward to a long summer together as Camp Family in the forests of 4-H Camp.

Don't believe how quickly that journey happens?


Look who else we quickly met in a London conference hall, not that long ago...

Who it already feels has been a part of camp forever.

---(Flash Forward Again.)---

Oh! And Arjun magically appeared at some point too.  If you go to London, come twilight Arjun will also always magically appear. It's part of the deal.

Welcome to Jakob, Dan and Andy! Thanks Phoebe and Arjun and Camp America. And thanks New Jersey for welcoming me back by being 25 degrees colder than when I left.

1 comment:

  1. Great story! Did not know that you had counsellors from abroad. Back in my camp days (early 1960's) the only overseas connection was a camper who was originally from Iceland. (Which was NOT a tourist destination in those days.)
