Friday, November 13, 2015

And how about also...Session #6, 2016.

Session 6: Chaos (August 8th-13th)

Chaos week has become a mainstay of our season here at Camp. 

It’s near the end of the summer and it’s at this point the staff seems to go just a little…off the deep end. 

A little crazy. 

A little nutty. 

A little wacky.

A little…chaotic, if you will. 

As much as we try to keep things calm and orderly with our Wednesday Night “PrankBusters” activity, nothing can seem to curtail the unpredictable zaniness…until near the end of the week when we call in our resident Chaos Expert (a certain Evil Doctor) to preside over a Kangaroo Court and send the guiltiest counselors through his patented Chaos Machine. 

No one can ever tell exactly what Chaos Week will bring, but it’s a safe bet that some of the staff will end up covered in ice cream.


  1. Thank you for making this a week in August. My daughter, Charlotte, can only attend August weeks and she wanted to do this so badly! We will see you on December 5th to sign her up! :)

  2. Excellent! We're glad Charlotte is excited. We'll look forward to seeing you at the Winter Gathering.
