Friday, October 2, 2015

Fall Fest - Rain or Shine! Or more likely something in between.

Yes, "Rain or Shine" makes it sound like there are merely two options for the weather.

This weather here for example! The weather at Camp right this moment. Neither Rain Nor Shine. This weather is called: gray. 

For our Fall Fest tomorrow, we're not so optimistic that's we'll make it all the way to "shine" so much as we're hoping to avoid full on "rain."  We're thinking it might be a bit cloudy, a tad overcast. and perhaps the air might be moist enough to almost verge on  a "soft drizzle". In other words - perfect fall weather! (And even if it's not, who cares? We'll be having the event anyway!) There is one thing we can guarantee: Outside, at Camp, there will be weather of some sort.

So, come on out, enjoy the autumn weather (whatever that weather may happen to be), and meet and support our Campfire Council as they support Camp!

See you tomorrow!

When it hopefully won't be raining.

But it might be raining.

And that's ok.

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