During our opening Campfire, it was discovered that going in the Woodshed instantly put our counselors in a bad mood, and filled them with negativity! This had to be the work of the Dark Agent. Thusly, the Camp Spirit Protection Agency stepped in and quarantined the location,
With the Woodshed off limits... |
Surely all other sites on Camp will be free from such Camp Spirit Contamination... |
Right!? |
And now, for the next thrilling installment of SPY Week:
It was another peaceful... |
Insightful evening on Vespers Island... |
Our Local C.S.P.A. Special Agent, Agent BearClaw stopped by to inform Camp that all was well, and there had been no further incidents. |
In fact, all was going so well, Agent BearClaw wanted to trade out his black sunglasses for a more cheerful, colorful pair of L.G. Cook glasses. |
(Available in our local Camp Store!) |
Kuba cheerfully volunteered to go fetch a pair! |
(He managed to return super quickly.) But when he did return, he was in a terrible mood! |
Oh no! Could the Camp Store be another negative, contaminated area! |
(Don't worry. His mood improved again once he was out of the store.) But there were only two things to be done! |
Quarantine the store! |
And two! |
Split Camp into its Eleven Covert Cabin Units for a night of secret missions. |
Cabin #2's mission was just a relaxed evening of playing 4 Square. Sounds harmless. |
Until a masked operative showed up... |
And kidnapped... |
Their beloved counselor Tim! |
This of course ignited a scavenger hunt... |
To find him... |
Rescue him. |
And get him back. |
Cabin Six busied themselves sending secret... |
(Friendly Secret...) |
Messages. |
Cabin #7 set off... |
On their own... |
Spy Training Obstacle course. |
Who's up next? |
Cabin #8? |
Cabin #8 was so covert we couldn't even figure out what they were up to. |
Cabin #10 seemed busy creating diversions... |
Cabin #11 was in the their secret base... |
In the Craft Shop. |
Because they know great Spy outfits don't just happen. |
Great Spy Outfits... |
Have to be made. |
All this happened while Cabin #3... |
Was spying around Camp to figure out what all the other cabins were doing. |
Was this it? |
Was this all that happened during our Spy Week Cabin Choice Night? |
Not even close. |
But the rest is classified... |
Confidential... |
And can only be disclosed... |
To Authorized Campers... |
With the proper... |
Security Clearance. |
But we can reveal this: |
At the end of the evening... |
All agents were well rewarded... |
With S'mores. |
Lot of fun activities! Have a great time!