Yes, 4th of July is Independence Day.
Yes, 4th of July is our Nation's Birthday.
Yes, 4th of July is the Summer-time BBQ Holiday to end all Summer-time BBQ Holidays.
But this year, the 4th of July held another special significance because the 4th of July was also the very first day of Summer Camp!
We welcomed our campers as we always do... |
With some NEW Games! |
Rules were listened to attentively... |
Which never takes long. |
Cause the rules are just: |
1) Play safe! |
2) Play Fair! |
and 3) Play Hard! |
AKA "Have Fun!" |
So the Seaweed Squad prepares. |
As the "fishy fishys" run into our green oceans. |
Blue oceans. |
Gray oceans. |
Jeans oceans. |
Florescent oceans. |
And Molly oceans. Then, when we're done with oceans and Octopus Tag, it's on to... |
Ultimate Rock Paper Scissors. |
Fierce rivals. |
Best of friends. |
Then everybody's it tag!
And when everybody's tagged (cause everybody was it...) |
Everybody's a rock. |
What's better than our counselors' 4th of July outfits? |
Three of our counselors' 4th of July outfits. That's what. |
But the celebration wasn't over yet! |
Time for our evening fireworks show! |
But we can't have fireworks! Not in a State Forest. And certainly not in the Rec Hall. |
Oh. |
That kind of fireworks. |
Who knew that it just takes... |
A hundred campers, |
Holding, |
Passing, |
And tossing, |
Red |
White |
And blue |
Orbs of Camp magic... |
Around a darkened pavilion...
On a rainy Camp evening... |
To make a fireworks spectacular... |
Worth remembering. |
Happy 4th of July.
Happy 1st of Camp.
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