Yes, we are into a THIRD Session of Camp, which means we are solidly out of the beginning of our summer season and right smack-dab in the middle of our summer season.
But every single week of Summer Camp starts fresh and anew (middle-of the season or no) with an OPENING CAMPFIRE!
Yes, we kick-off every session gathered round a roaring blaze down at our Lakeside Fire Ring... |
Lit with the Camp Spirit, that small flame we keep within our lantern that lights each campfire week after week, summer after summer, year after year... |
The only problem is, it's last week's Camp Spirit, last year's Camp Spirit, it's the Camp Spirit of summers past, and that won't do for a brand-new opening campfire! |
And since this week isn't last summer's Camp, or even last week's Camp, but rather something brand-new that is happening for the very first time (and never been created before!), it's time for our campers to add something to the spirit to make it their own. |
So they raise their hands, as we look for volunteers to add some wood to the fire. |
And with the log they throw in, they add something they're looking forward to this Camp week... |
Something about Camp they're the most excited about... |
Something that keeps them coming back summer after summer... |
Or something that has brought them to Camp for the very first time. |
And once several campers have added a piece of wood (and piece of themselves) to the fire... |
And every camper thought about what they, themselves, will bring to the Camp community this week... |
The flames of our Campfire are not the same ones that sat in the Lantern waiting for their arrival at L.G. Cook 4-H Camp... |
But are rather something brand-new that belongs exclusively to the campers of Session #3, 2016. |
And after that (since we've by now all had our fair share of welcoming symbolism), it's time to meet the counselor staff! |
And what's the best way to be introduced to the counselor team around a crackling opening campfire? |
Campfire Skits, of course! |
Who-hoo indeed. Everyone loves campfire skits. |
But the counselors aren't the only ones to meet, we need to get introduced to all of our campers in their animal groups as well... |
Drumroll please, as the red team unveils their secret selected animal sigil... |
And it's the BEARS! |
Ooooooooooooooooh. |
...The bears. |
And how do you tell which of our campers are on the Bear team? |
Why, they're the ones high-fiving like bears, of course. |
And now who wants to meet more of the counselor staff! |
With more skits, obviously. |
And so on and on the campfire goes. |
With more skits! |
More wood added to the fire. |
More songs! |
More animal groups! |
More counselors! |
More skits! |
Yes, the Opening Campfire keeps going until... |
Everyone's been introduced... |
Everyone feels welcomed... |
Everyone has contributed something unique to this week's Camp Spirit... |
And until it is far, far too dark to continue taking photographs. |
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