Friday, March 29, 2019

Knock on Wood

It is the end of March at 4-H Camp...

And as of right now, this is all the winter that's left!

I want to be clear! I said "as of right now"! I am not jinxing us, or tempting fate!

'Round these parts we know that late March/early April snow storms are a real thing! Which is why we ward off such storms by saying things like "as of right now"...

And ward off such storms by leaving the snow plow still steadily fastened to the Camp truck...

And ward off such storms by leaving the snow tubes fully inflated until it is consistently 70 degrees and sunny!

But "AS OF RIGHT NOW", this is the last pile of snow at 4-H Camp, and we hope it stays that way!

Well, actually no, we don't hope it stays this way. We hope this pile of snow keeps diminishing and getting smaller and smaller. 

We'll check in on the pile again next week, cause next week is April! 

April: a full legitimate, spring time month!

April: when we start to Meet the Summer Staff of 2019!

April: after which there is only one more month that is NOT a Summer Camp month!

Can't wait for April.

(As you can probably tell, we get pretty excited for the end of winter here at Summer Camp.)

Friday, March 22, 2019

Down to the Beginning!

We have filled our FINAL bunks for Session #4:

Which means our LAST available bunks for Summer 2019 are all at the START! Yes, we only have our first two week so summer still open, and we have less than one cabin's worth of bunks remaining in each of them.

So if you're still hoping for a bunk, or looking to join our Lantern Program by sending a brand-new camper our way, you've got two sessions to choose from:

Our start-of-the-summer, kick-it-off-right, be-there-from-the-beginning, day-one-for-campers-and-staff-alike, 4th-of-July-and-summer-in-general-bonanza-of-a-celebration...


Last-summer's-hit-new-theme, now-for-the-second-time-around, refined-improved-and-doubled-down-upon, with-more-mystery-more-intrique-and-more-of-our-beloved-process-of-elimination!

Get 'em 'fore they're gone!

And also! Stay tuned to the blog - the calendar says spring time even if the freezing rain at 4-H Camp doesn't, so we're going to be starting our MEET THE STAFF OF SUMMER 2019 series soon!

Oh. And also again. There's exactly 100 days until Summer Camp. 

Friday, March 15, 2019

Mail Call!

During Summer Camp, campers and staff alike LOVE when a surprise package arrives for them here in the woods at sleep-away camp.

However, a little known fact is that the permanent, year-round residents of 4-H Camp LOVE surprise packages too. 

ESPECIALLY when that surprise package happens to be addressed to...

Woodrow: The Camp Dog himself.

And what did the Good Boy get?!

Why, he got something to boost his mood in the middle of March while he's waiting for the weather to warm up and all his Camp friends to come back and join him again.

And it didn't hurt the Camp Director's mood either. 

Special Thanks to our campers Dan and Mara for taking a little time out of their day to think of The Good Boy. He values his Camp Family! He'll express is appreciation in person when he sees you again this summer.

Oh! And Early-Bird Registration ends at midnight tonight (March 15th)! Sign up now to get one of our 65 remaining bunks for Summer 2019!

Monday, March 11, 2019

Another Sold-Out Session!

Yes, we had another session GO this weekend, and now have a full roster for:

This is a brand-new theme, and we've got some pretty cool ideas hiding up our sleeve for this week, so we can't wait to welcome a nice FULL Camp for Session #5!

This means we only still have male bunks available at the beginning of the summer, for Sessions #1 and #2!

We have bunks for Sessions #1 and #2 available for female campers too, as well as JUST A HANDUL (less than one cabins worth) still open for Session #4, July -22nd-27th.

Deadline for early registration is THIS FRIDAY, March 15th!

Friday, March 8, 2019

Final Week of Early Registration!

Yes, it is once again...

That time of year!

It's March!

It's exactly one week until the end...

Of Early-Bird Registration!

And like clockwork,

Us here at 4-H Camp...

Have had ENOUGH...

Of winter!

So we throw on our Summer Camp clothes...

And start doing...

Some Summer Camp things...

To hurry winter along.

Things like...


A morning...

Flag raising ceremony.

And things like...

Getting ready...

For our delicious..

Outdoor BBQs.

(Weather permitting, of course.)

We even already...

Started practicing...

Our evening campfires.

And if you're reading this blog right now, in March...

Chances are you're just as impatient for summer to get here as we are!

So, if you, (OR ANYONE YOU KNOW), has yet to get their bunk for Summer 2019, now is indeed the time!


We'll just be here waiting...

For summer to come.

You still have until next Friday, March 15th to sign up during Early-Bird Registration and enjoy a $50 discount off Summer 2019.

However "early" is a bit of misnomer...we are already over 90% full for Summer 2019, with three sessions entirely sold out!

Most of availability is in July, at the beginning of the summer, for Sessions #1 and #2. In addition, we have still have limited space for males in Session #5 and females in Session #4. 

So go ahead and get your bunk ASAP, cause it won't be too long before the weather suits our clothes...

Friday, March 1, 2019

Leadership Weekend Part II: Also The Beginning

When last we left...

Our intrepid Leadership Weekend-ers...

They had already been having quite the weekend!

And deserved a good meal!

A good meal...

They prepare themselves...

As a team-building exercise!

(Cause, as you've probably figured out...

Nearly everything we do...

Ends up also being a team building exercise.)

How about...

When our second year Junior Counselors...

Lead a training...

All on their own...

To share their experience...

With our brand-new Junior Counselors?

Is that a team building exercise?

Well, sure.

Almost by definition,

Of course,

It was.

And what about...

Our annual...


Wouldn't be...

Leadership Weekend...

Without it...

Story Telling...


Could that...

Possibly be...

A team building exercise...

As well!?

Well, since...

Team building...

Is all about...

Getting to know...

And trust one another...

And since...

'Round these parts...

We believe that there's no...

Better way...

To get to know someone...

Than to hear their stories...

Well, then yup...

We'd say that story telling...

Was team building too.

Then! Suddenly!

It's morning!

And our weekend together...

Is almost over!

But not before...

We squeeze in...

One more bit...

Of team-building...

Counselor training...

And Summer Camp fun...


Squeezed together into one.

But before...

The weekend ends...

We should address...

Why the end of Leadership Weekend...

Is also the beginning!

It's cause ALL of Leadership Weekend...

Is ALL about beginnings! 

It's the FIRST official 4-H Camp Program for Summer 2019!

Yup, that's how we roll!

Summer starts...

To start to start to start to start...

In February.

But it's also the beginning...

Of what's next...

For EVERYONE in our Camp Community...

As our CITs become Junior Counselors...

And our Junior Counselors...

Become Second Year Junior Counselors and Staff...

And we all...

Keep giving back...

And paying it forward...

To keep on creating...

All it is we create...

Together, at 4-H Camp.