Friday, September 14, 2018

Summer '18 in Review: Heather Takes Over

What's better than looking back at a Summer at 4-H Camp through the eyes one of our campers?

Is your answer "almost nothing!"?

Good, cause that was my answer too. Which is why it is our pleasure to devote this whole blog post exclusively to pictures that were taken on our camper Heather's camera this summer!

As we look...

Through Heather's...

4-H Camp slideshow...
What do we find?

Well, there's some...

Smiling faces.
There's some...

Well timed...

Candid moments.

There's some...

Obligatory photos...

With the Director.

There's as many people possible...

Trying to quickly...

Get in the picture.

There's a...

Fair share...

Of portraits...

Of our trusted cast...

Of classic...

4-H Camp...


But mostly?

Mostly you find...

A wonderful...

And random assortment...

Of Summer Camp moments...

Quick flashes...

And brief glimpses...

Into just one...

Of the millions of seconds...

That makes up...

A Camp summer.

And each one...

Of those...



Not quite describable...

(Unless you were here...)


Are linked to a moment...

Which are linked to a memory...

Which brings back...

All the other...

Moments around it.

I guess that must be why...

We like Summer Camp pictures so much.

Thanks to Heather for sharing some highlights of her summer memories with us! (Got some pictures from Summer '18? Send em' my way!)

For all of you joining us for Fall Family Hike Day, we'll look forward to seeing you tomorrow! (And for those of you not joining us for Fall Family Hike Day, we'll look forward to seeing you some other time soon!)

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