Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Tech Free Challenge: Cassidy's Camp Journal

Time for some tech-free introspection, reflections and imagination, courtesy of Cassidy!

Hey camp family! 

Right now we are all at home, but that does not mean that we can’t use our camp spirit and do some camp journaling! I really love journaling because it helps me center my mind and feel calm and peaceful amidst our crazy world.

It is super simple to do too. You can use your favorite notebook or a plain sheet of paper or maybe even a sticky note. 

If you need some inspiration, here are some of the things I’ve been journaling about in our new world. So grab your favorite pen, pencil, crayons, etc. and get to create. The world is at your fingertips!

You can answer the following prompts in whatever way you choose! You can free-write or draw, you can create a poem, a story, or more. Whatever your imagination comes up with!

1. What are you missing during this different time that you will appreciate more in the future?

2. What is a camp memory you find yourself thinking of often and why?

3. If you were at camp right now, what would you be doing?

4. Is there a lesson you learned at camp that you were able to apply to your life recently?

5. If you could write someone at a camp a kind message, what would you write and who would it be for?

6. What is your favorite part about nature/being outside?

7. What are 3 goals that you have for yourself and want to accomplish in the next few days, weeks, months?

8. What camp song do you get stuck in your head WAY to often?

Thanks for journaling with me! Be sure to share your thoughts with the camp community!

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