Uh-oh. It is indeed: CHAOS WEEK! |
We were having our standard, relaxed... |
Opening Campfire! |
And informed the campers that this week... |
C.H.A.O.S. would simply stand for... |
Calm, Hazard-less, Always Organized, Sane. |
Which is why we replaced CHAOS week with... |
Punctuation Week! |
A week to enjoy all the little marks... |
That keep the English language... |
Organized. |
Everyone... |
Loves punctuation week. |
So we introduced... |
Our Animal Groups... |
(Premiering some brand-new... |
Animal signs!) |
Sang some songs! |
And called it a laid-back, non-Chaotic evening... |
Tuesday Night.
Cabin Choice Night.
What is THIS!? |
Lawyers in Cabin #3? |
Dining Hall... |
Madness... |
And a lost... |
DUCK... |
Hunt... |
In Cabin... |
#9!? |
This... |
Doesn't... |
Quite... |
Seem! |
Calm! |
It's still pretty "Hazard-less", which is required. |
But there's a protest going on against... |
Punctuation Week! |
That's not... |
"Always Organized!" |
And... |
What.. |
In the world... |
Is this!? |
We wanted SANE! |
These activities don't quite... |
Seem sane! |
Fun, though. |
They do seem fun. |
But everything's too wild... |
For a week... |
Where we tried to trade Chaos for punctuation. |
Of course. |
A Flagpole Mutiny. |
Classic. |
Camp. |
Chaos. |
It's... |
Only... |
Tuesday! |
We've... |
Got... |
To SLOW... |
This... |
Camp... |
Zaniness... |
Down! |
Before it gets... |
Any closer... |
To bordering on Chaos. |
So... |
We all gathered... |
In the Bowl... |
For a Punctuation Party! |
That's right, a Punctuation Party! |
That's the C.H.A.O.S we want: |
Calm, Hazard-less... |
Always Organized... |
And... |
Sane. |
Uh-oh. What are those lights!? |
Who's crashing our Punctuation Party!? |
Oh no. How predictable. |
It's our resident Chaos expert, the Evil Dr. Husqavarna. And he's here to let us know there's a little bit of Ch-ow-se (Chaos)... |
Hiding right beneath the facade... |
Of our orderly Punctuation Week. |
Oh well. There goes the hopes for a quiet, calm week.
That evil Dr Husqavarna. Can't live with him. Can't live without him.