Friday, January 31, 2020

Off to Find Our International Counselors!

Once again it's time for the Camp Blog's annual trip...

 Away from Stokes State Forest...

To a land with...

Slightly different...


And slightly different...

Building styles.

And a slightly different...

Approach to...

Staff uniforms.

All because London is slightly different than 4-H Camp...

And I'm back to find some international staff for Summer 2020 at the Camp America Fair!

Right after I recycle my coffee, of course.

Wait. What in the world... 

Could this be!?!

Phoebe Plunkett, of course! Appearing to help find the next GREAT 4-H Camp counselors. 

Cause there's only one sure-fire best way to find GREAT camp counselors...

And that's to have Phoebe Plunkett hiding behind a recycling bin. 

And it worked!

Like it always does.

Cause we hired Abbie!

And we hired Kieran!

And we hired this Beefeater!

And we couldn't be more excited to welcome the three of them to 4-H Camp this summer!

But mostly we're excited about Kieran!

And mostly we're exited about Abbie!

Cause the two of them are ACTUALLY coming to 4-H Camp...

To join the team for Summer 2020.

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