So, our summer campers leave. And Camp gets quiet. And calm. And some of our other residents who get lost in the hustle and bustle of summer begin to come on out of the woodwork to claim Camp for their own again. Residents like...BABY SNAPPING TURTLES.
The classic big snapping turtle look you love... |
Crammed down into a convenient, tiny... |
Easy to transport... |
Palm sized package. |
Uh-oh. |
No, Woodrow. |
Like so many other things, no, this is not for you. |
Off to drop the little guy at his new lakeside home. All while keeping a safe distance from the always curious Camp dog. |
And then, SUDDENLY, the next day...
Another one! |
Two days, two baby snapping turtles? |
That's even luckier than finding a four leaf clover.(Sorry, Mckee.) |
Better get him to pose for a Camp photo. |
There we go. |
You should be able see where this is going. |
Ahh! Yup. It's going here. Told you. Should have seen that one coming a mile away. Turtle was going in the coffee cup. |
'Cause it's a perfect vehicle for a nice relocation trip. (I'll wash the mug. I promise. If I remember. Which I probably won't.) |
All right. Here we go. |
Time for your swim eval. |
Yup. A blue swimmer indeed. Good luck, tiny Lil' Mini-Baby-Velcro Jr, good luck. May Shawanni treat you well. |
Meanwhile. Right next door a small frog is super unhappy I just assigned him a snapping turtle as a bunk mate. Get over it, Frog. Camp's about making new friends. |
Next Time: A new piece of old history. Or an ancient new addition. Or...something happens.
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