Thursday, February 17, 2022

A Winter View

Yes, at 4-H Camp we are looking forward to spring! 


Cause then we'll be even closer to summer!

But, we concede, their are some nice things about winter.

Like this specific view at sunset on the far side of the 'Round the Lake Trail, for instance.

A winter only feature. Even spring doesn't improve this view.

The only thing that improves this view...

Is focusing in on the Camp Dog.

Ahhh. Even better.


Fine - we'll let you hang around for another evening, winter.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Happy Groundhog Day!

All right. So,


We lost track of the Camp Groundhog...

A little while ago...

So, naturally...

We had the Camp Dog...

Fill in instead.


We can neither confirm...

Nor deny...

Whether Woodrow...

Saw his shadow.

But chances are.

You're in...

For six more weeks...

Of wintry...

4-H Camp photos.

Whether we like it or not.