Registration for Summer 2022 will open in ONE MONTH, on NOVEMBER 15th!!!
Check out all the Summer 2022 news fit-to-print below - because even though the leaves are still in the midst of changing, it's never too early to start dreaming about summer.
Session 1: Out of This World
Session #1 is going to be out of this world: a sci-fi supernova, a galactic voyage of cosmic proportions, all without leaving the comforts of Stoke State Forest! Who knows what interstellar hijinks will occur when Camp is filled with wacky extraterrestrials, fascinating aliens, brave interstellar explorers, and whatever else it is that may be out there. At 4-H Camp, when you stare up at a mid-July crystal clear night sky, though our feet may be firmly planted on the shores of Lake Shawanni, you get quite a view of the stars.
For Session #1, 2021 we are including a free optional early Sunday Drop-Off. Session #1 can start their weeks (and all of Summer 2022) an evening early by arriving Sunday evening.

A session full of exciting intrigue, code words, hidden plans, and surprising twists and turns! Classified information is up for grabs and counselor double agents will need to be discovered, all while there will be mysteries to be solved and top secret missions to be both foiled and accomplished. The 1951 Camp Spirit test just might need to be hauled out again to determine who at camp is friend and who is foe. (Disclaimer: we all wind up being friends.)

CHAOS returns to 4-H Camp! Yes, our camper-favorite prank-fest session is back. As much as we’ll try to keep things calm and orderly with our Wednesday Night “PrankBusters” activity, chances are that nothing can seem to curtail the unpredictable zaniness…until near the end of the week when we hold a Kangaroo Court and send the counselors found guiltiest of pulling the prankiest of pranks through the patented Chaos Machine. No one can ever tell exactly what Chaos Week will bring...but it’s a safe bet that some of the staff will end up covered in ice cream.

Session 4: Battle for the Camp
Battle for the Island (our signature free-form-always-changing-all-Camp-capture-the-flag-game) has long been one of our premier activities. Now, brand-new for ’22, we’re extending all that Battle for the Island action, zaniness, and creativity to a whole Camp session. We’ll break campers into four teams to play a variety of new competitions, tournaments and weird and wacky events to battle for those sweet, valuable, don’t-even-really-matter at all POINTS. Battle for the Island is always a great example of our campers’ enthusiasm, spirit, and imagination – and we can’t wait to bring that to our All-Camp activities all session long.

BIG Session 5: S'moregasbord
After the success of last year’s trial run, we are holding our second-ever BIG Session in Summer 2022. Designed for campers who have enjoyed a week at 4-H Camp in the past, simply put, it’s a lot MORE CAMP. Featuring all the themes and activities from earlier in the summer and our BIG classes, we build a community during S’moregasbord that can only be accomplished in 18 straight days at 4-H Camp.
As always, reach out to us at the Camp Office (973-948-3550) with any and all questions!