The title... |
Of this... |
Post... |
Is... |
Mostly... |
True! |
These are... |
New... |
Unseen... |
Photos... |
Pulled... |
From the... |
Camp archives! |
It just... |
Depends... |
On whether... |
You think... |
Friday... |
July 16th... |
Session #2... |
Summer 2021... |
Counts... |
As... |
"Old"... |
Or not! |
Old enough! |
By... |
Our... |
Book! |
That's... |
10 weeks... |
Ago! |
That's... |
A... |
Whole... |
Summer season... |
Ago! |
And we've... |
Still... |
Got brand-new... |
Photos... |
To share!?!? |
No, |
We didn't... |
Forget. |
We... |
Got... |
Kinda busy... |
And then... |
We forgot. |
It's different. |
But... |
They're here... |
Now! |
And isn't... |
That... |
What... |
Counts? |
That now... |
They're here... |
For you... |
As a little... |
September... |
Surprise. |
So... |
That... |
Wherever... |
You happen... |
To be... |
In the... |
Midst... |
Of your... |
Early... |
Autumn... |
You can be... |
Transported... |
Back... |
To a... |
July night... |
With nothing... |
More... |
To do... |
And... |
Nothing... |
More... |
To... |
Worry about... |
Than... |
To... |
Dance... |
The... |
Night... |
Away... |
With... |
Your... |
Camp... |
Family... |
Celebrating... |
Another... |
Week... |
At... |
Summer Camp. |