Another quick video recap of another great week in the woods!
Another quick video recap of another great week in the woods!
Pick any... |
Spot... |
On 4-H Camp... |
And hang out... |
For long enough... |
And... |
You'll see... |
Some... |
Pretty good... |
Scenes. |
For instance, |
Take... |
The... |
Vesper's Island... |
Bridge. |
If you... |
So happened... |
To be... |
Stationed here... |
On a camp evening... |
You'd probably run into... |
Some... |
Happy campers. |
(Or some time travelers from the 1990s.) |
For instance... |
Take this... |
Camp Central... |
Spot... |
By the lake. |
If you happened... |
To be stationed... |
Here... |
During... |
A time travelers... |
Carnival... |
You'd probably... |
Run into... |
Some... |
Groupings... |
And situations... |
That defy... |
Explanation. |
And that's... |
Just two spots... |
At Summer Camp. |
This summer... |
Maybe... |
More... |
Than... |
Ever... |
Before... |
We're finding... |
It's... |
Just nice... |
To... |
Be here! |
An... |
Afternoon... |
Of... |
"Whatever" time... |
Hanging out.. |
With... |
New friends, |
Working... |
On... |
Some crafts... |
Around... |
The... |
The Flagstones... |
Or... |
Just... |
Playing... |
Some... |
Very random... |
Games... |
In the... |
Bowl... |
Seems to... |
Take on... |
Even... |
More value... |
After... |
A year away. |
Whether... |
It be... |
Around... |
The... |
Picnic table, |
Around... |
The... |
Campfire, |
Or |
Around... |
The... |
Ever present... |
Good ol'... |
Summer Camp... |
Nonsense fun... |
It's just... |
Good... |
To all be around... |
4-H Camp together again. |