It's that time of the season, where in a NORMAL year we'd be getting ready to gather in the Dining Hall for our annual winter reunion.
But, as is news to no one, this is NOT a normal year, so instead of gathering we'll be "gathering", by sending some virtual content out to the Camp Community. And since it's virtual, and we're no longer bound by the laws of time and space, instead of a single Saturday afternoon, we'll be stretching out Winter Gathering for a whole 12 DAYS!
What'll the 12 Days include?
Surprises! It'll include surprises, coming your way each evening starting on December 5th.
However, we'll shed a little light on one of the days, because we need your help putting it together:
On the 11th Day of Winter Gathering...
We are looking for campers and counselors to tell us one of their favorite or funniest camp memories in either 11 words or 11 seconds! Tell the 4-H Camp story that always cracks you up or warms your heart on a quick video - consisting of strictly 11 words or 11 seconds! We'll share what we create from these stories on our 11th Day of Winter Gathering.
"See" you at "Winter Gathering"!
Due to popular request...
We are opening up our Camp Store for the Holiday Season! |
We've got just a few items select available...
Like Lakeside sweatshirts for $35 bucks!
Throwback long sleeves for $27!
Lakeside T-shirts for $15!
And Throwbacks for $18.
You can order in two Hi-Tech ways! The first is by calling us on the phone and telling us what you'd like (973-948-3550)! The second is by emailing us and telling us what you'd like! Either way, ask for Tyler. We're on the cutting edge here at 4-H Camp.
Shipping and handling will be priced separate for each order. Sizes and quantity are limited to our current stock. Get your order in before the LAST day of Winter Gathering, December 16th!
But that's also STILL not all!
As a second Camp Store option, our Campfire Council is once again opening their Cabin Sign Shop!
100% of all profits from the Cabin Sign Shop go to the Campfire Council's Campership Fund.