Yes, we have a brand-new Camp program this summer in which our campers are EVERYWHERE, so that means we weren't limited to our 11 standard cabins of 4-H Camp.
Our HAFHAH cabins got to choose their own Cabin #, their own tree to represent them, and their own location on Camp.
So we're pleased to introduce you to the new lay of the land at 4-H Camp... |
Cabin # ?...
With a scenic view of the lake.
Cabin 25.π... |
Claimed the front of the Dining Hall...
While Cabin 12=12 set up shop...
Inside on the salad bars.
For Cabin #13... |
There's nothing unlucky about being positioned at Lakeside.
In fact, Lake Shawanni became quite the popular spot...
As Cabin #15...
Decided to live on the Floating Dock...
While Cabin #42...
Opted to float around... |
Wherever it pleased...
And Cabin 3.14159265359....
Just jumped right in.
Cabin #2007...
Choose to position themselves right at the Director's House... |
And what's better than living on Vespers Island?
Living on Vespers Island...
Surrounded by lava.
And leave it to Cabin #Quadratic Equation to decide to locate their cabin directly on "Ben's facial hair."
However, they forgot to factor in...
That I could always shave.
Well played, Cabin # Quadratic Equation.
Well played, HAFHAH campers everywhere.