Yes, it's time for one of the most exciting announcements of our whole Camping year!
Yes, it's time for....
Session #1: July 6th-11th
Winter Carnival
Usually our very first Camp session falls during the 4thof July, but due to an anomaly in the calendar we’re starting the 2020 season after the 4th– SO FAR after that it’s accidentally become wintertime again! Thus, we’ll be launching the summer season with Winter Carnival Week! The session will include a wintery version of our beloved Wednesday Night carnival, a Friday afternoon filled with frozen variations of our famous, larger-than-life All-Camp Giant Board Games, and other wacky events that are bound to occur when you’re celebrating the start of summer in the middle of winter. We’ll drink some hot cocoa, gather ‘round the campfire, and probably have a melted snowball fight. Of course, the biggest draw of this session is the excitement that comes along with being around for the very beginning of a brand-new summer season – even if it happens to be in a winter wonderland.
(Enrollment in Session #1 also comes with a special perk – Sunday, July 5th, we will hold our Camp Eve Celebration, open to all Session #1 attendees for an extra fee of just $25. Campers who partake in Camp Eve get to arrive a night early, meet the staff and their fellow campers, enjoy some special summer kick-off celebrations and traditions, and get a head start on the summer season. Our standard Monday morning drop-off time will of course still be available as well.)
Session #2: July 13th-18th
Epic Tales...Of Mythic Legends!
Our hit new theme from last season is back with a second chapter! 4-H Camp’s about a bunch of things, but one of our favorite things that Camp is about is storytelling, and we’re bringing all the stories we can find and then some to Epic Tales...of Mythic Legends week! Knights, castles, dragons, royal courts and all the medieval drama that comes with ‘em? Sure thing! Wizards, unicorns, and other mystic fairy tale creatures galore? You know it! Woodland lore, forest folktales, lake adventures, raccoon raconteurs? Why in the world not!? Too many descriptive storytelling words in the session’s title? How could we do it any other way!? 4-H Camp runs wild on wild imagination, and we sure won’t be lacking any of it during Session #2, because this week will once again be...EPIC. And mythic. And legendary. And you get the idea.
Session #3: July 20th-25th
Camp (proper noun) - Colloquial shortened term referring to L.G. Cook 4-H Camp, your classic-rustic-tech-free-new-friend-making-caring-community-building-more-fun-than-you-can-shake-a-stick-summer-home-away-from-home.
Pandemonium (noun)- Wild and noisy disorder and confusion. An uproar.
CAmPaNdeMoNiUM (noun) - Just you wait and see.
As the above definitions clearly show, CAmPaNdeMoNiUM is one of our newest and zaniest additions to the summer schedule. It’s a switch-up, change-up, up-change, up-switch kind of week: Camp locations will shuffle, activities will jumble, roles will rearrange, an uncontrollable panda may appear, nothing is quite as it seems, and no session we have is quite as chaotic as CAmPaNdeMoNiUM.
Session #4: July 27th-August 1st
Pirates of Lake Shawanni
It’s an even-numbered year, which means it’s time for the return of one of our campers’ favorite themes! Lake Shawanni will once again become our seven seas, our animal groups will be feuding crews, and all the campers shall be mateys together. Shores will be ahoyed, timbers will be shivered, and treasure will be plundered (as talking like a Pirate constantly and certainly more than necessary will be key to the week.) Though we’ll still have Battle for the Island for all the land lovers out there, it will be joined by a legendary All-Camp-Game exclusive to Pirate Week: Battle for the LAKE! And of course, Captain Sompton O’Rudder will almost certainly once again be up to no good. Through all the fun, adventure, and misadventure of Pirate Week, we’ll also be sure to avoid scurvy with our supply of fresh fruit.
Session #5: August 3rd-8th
Camper Vs. Counselor Olympics

The first week in August 2020 is during the Summer Olympics in Tokyo, so that means we’ve got to have a Summer Olympics at 4-H Camp too! Our four groups of campers will compete in various feats of skill, feats of brains, feats of cleverness, feats of creativity, feats of energy and enthusiasm and feats of overall Camp campiness as they go for the gold, the silver, the bronze (and one other kind of medal we’ll make up since there’s four groups)! Only the twist is, there AREN’T only four groups! Yes, as you may have surmised from a close reading of the session’s title – for this week only, we are adding a FIFTH group as the counselors will compete against the campers in all the above feats! (Looks like we’ll have to make up TWO more kinds of medals.) Events will range all over Camp, from the archery range to the waterfront, and will culminate in our world famous ALL-CAMP Relay! In between all the action, campers can look forward to our staff's pantomiming skills during our real-world Official Olympic Updates. The Summer Olympics only occur every four summers, so join us for this one-of-a-kind (or one-every-four-years) 4-H Camp event.
Session #6: August 10th-15th
Yup, Session #6 we’re scheduled to use one of our favorite, reliable, never-fails-us pieces of 4-H Camp equipment. We’re going all the way to the back of the maintenance shop, dusting off and hauling out the trusty Lindley G. Cook 4-H Camp Time Machine. Sure, it’s been sitting idle in the back of the shop for a couple seasons, but we’re sure the ol’ thing still works just fine. For Session #6, we’ll fire the ol’ contraption up and journey to all the great historic time periods, from the Stone Age to Ancient Rome to The Renaissance and off to the future and beyond. It’ll go great, and we’ll get to and from all our destinations with no issues or exciting mishaps whatsoever. Like everything else on our nearly 70-year-old facility, it’s held up fine and we never have any problems with it, so the Time Machine is sure to work perfectly. We mean, c’mon, there’s no way the Time Machine is broken or anything.
Session #7: August 17th-22nd
Our traditional end of summer festival! For the final week of the summer we celebrate all the fun we’ve had all season long by bringing back some of our favorite themes and activities from earlier in the year, as well as enjoying all the classic summer camp elements that make L.G. Cook 4-H Camp so great. S’moregasbord week also features a handful of end-of-summer-only events like our End-of-Summer Fair, ceremonial launching of the Wish Boats, and collection of the greatest hits from the 2020 4-H Camp season. The last week of Camp for the summer is always a special one, so come join all the counselors and staff in wishing the 2020 season a fond farewell.
Registration for Summer 2020 opens online ONE MONTH FROM TODAY!
POLAR BEAR REGISTRATION is now our only Early Registration Period. We encourage all returning Camp Families to sign up during POLAR BEAR (November 15th-January 1st) for their first pick sessions, classes, and the lowest rate we offer.
We'll begin regular Summer Camp pricing on January 1st, so be sure to get your bunks before POLAR BEAR ends!