Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Summer Meets Fall

Fall Family Hike Day!

A chance...

To observe...

The beginning of Autumn...

While squeezing in...

Just a little more summer.

(The weather...

Contributed to...

To the idea...

Of "just a little more summer"...


It was like 85 degrees out!)

It's a chance...

To get the whole...

Camp Family... 

(With a few Camp Staff...

To help lead things along, of course.)

And perhaps, most importantly...

It's the Camp Dog's favorite event of the whole year.

Cause he loves to hike!

And that's precisely...

How we're spending the afternoon.

Yes, on Hike Day...

We hike!

Up to a vista...

On the...

Appalachian Trail...

And all...


The various...


And paths...

That traverse...

Stokes State Forest.

But Fall Family Hike Day... 

Isn't just about...


And Fall!

It's also about...

(If you read the title carefully...)



A chance to spend...

Some family time...

Out here...

At 4-H Camp...

And a chance...

For our...

Summer Camp Family...

To reconvene...

And spend one more...


Afternoon together...

Camp style...

Before Autumn...

Really gets here...

And the warm summer weather...

Goes away until next year.