How do you even ATTEMPT... |
To sum up... |
Something as UN-SUM-UP-ABLE... |
As a full summer season at 4-H Camp!?! |
You can't! You just can't do it! |
So instead of attempting the impossible... |
Here are just a few... |
More pictures... |
Of the people... |
Whose hard work... |
And dedication... |
Made all... |
That... |
Good... |
Camp magic... |
Happen... |
All summer long. |
And that's a wrap!
That's Summer 2019 at 4-H Camp! Put it in the books!
Thanks to everyone in our Camp Family and Camp Community for building another wonderful summer in the woods with us.
We'll be back with this here blog in September, to share some more photos and more stories of the summer as we "remember our camping days and friendships true".
In the mean time, you know how it goes: At Summer Camp the end of August, the end of the season, and the end of a summer are for...