Meet more staff on a Monday morning?
Meet more staff on a Monday morning.
And now! To meet more staff on a Monday morning:
Like our returning counselor, Damelis!
"My camp super power is being a morning person! I'm so excited to get the days started right with lots of energy! My animals are poodles and Bob Ross, picking anything else would be lying and doing my hair an injustice. It has an aura of peace and confidence, like Bob and poodles. My goals for the summer are to be more organized! My time could definitely be spent better hanging out with my cabin instead of running around looking for my backpack. And I'm so happy to be back for my third year as a Rec counselor and so ready to teach my favorite and new classes!"
Like returning to Camp, new to Senior Staff, Aaron!
*Aaron's Camp Super Powers are skipping stones, building fires, and other such outdoorsy traits he has honed over many summers as an EE Counselor. His goals are to help folks in our community along, and to get both his and everyone else's feet as muddy as possible. His representative animal is a snake, because he is comfortable in cool, dark places and sheds his skin every six to eight months. We are proud and excited that his role at Camp this year will be as our Counselor in Training Coordinator, and as a senior staff member he finally gets to carry around a walkie talkie. *Director's Interpretation of Coat of Arms |
Like brand-new (but been waiting for this moment for a long while) counselor, Katelyn!
"Camp Super Power- S'more maker and frog finding friend.
Camp Goals- to have positive energy, happy experiences and to help everyone enjoy the waterfront.
Animal- sea turtle.
Role at Camp- Lifeguard! (But also friend and support system.)
Can't wait for summer!
And of course, like our returning counselor, Sara.
*Sara's Camp Superpowers are many and varied! She hikes with the best of them, and she loves all plants, shrubs, and other living growing things great and small. She's also quite the dancer. Don't believe her? She'll prove it at the Camp Shcmance each and every Friday night. Her Camp Goals are to support the 4-Hs that are the pillars of our community, and to ensure that we're all one Camp Family by the end of the session. Her animals are the rabbit (remember, she loves plants), the dog (remember, she cares about family and a good loyal-we-all-take-care-of-each-other-pack-mentality), and the giraffe (remember, she's surprisingly adept at reaching high, hard-to-get-to places.) After last summer supporting us in the Kitchen (and all over) by being sure we were all well-fed and healthy, we are thrilled to have Sara (The Neral Neral) back in the cabin and joining our Environmental Education Department. *Director's Interpretation of Coat of Arms |
Can you run a summer camp with just eight staff members?
But we don't.
We'll see you back here soon to MEET MORE STAFF OF SUMMER 2019.