Monday, December 23, 2019

Happy Holidays, End of Year Announcements, and New Project Reveal!

We made it to the last blogpost of the year!

As we say farewell to 2019, we want to remind you that when the year ends...

So does Polar Bear Registration!

We're already over half-way full for Summer 2020...

So we encourage all returning Camp families to sign up before the end of the year for their first pick of sessions, classes, and the lowest rate we offer!


If you're in the market for some belated holiday gifts...

AND want to support our Campership Fund...

Check out our Campfire Council's Cabin Sign Store!

And ALSO again!

As promised in the title of the blog post...

And as already shown via sneak peak to our Winter Gathering attendees...

And as featured in the background of these pictures already...

It's our big new project for Summer 2020!

Flagstone Renovation!

Yes, our good friend and frequent collaborator...

"Lakeside" Louie from Dreamscape Designs...

Has been hard at work this fall...

Giving Camp Central... 

A well deserved makeover.

It's bigger!



Less trippy!

And a little prettier too.

We're excited to keep showing pictures of the project to keep you updated through the spring!

And even more excited for you to come stand on our new flagstones yourself...

In Summer 2020.

So that's a wrap!

Thanks to all of you for making 2019 another great addition...

To 4-H Camp's 70(ish) year history.

We'll look forward to keeping all the good things coming...

In 2020.

So, from all your Camp Family...

To all your regular families...

We wish you some Merry Christmases, some Happy Hannukahs, 

Some Season's Greetings, some Winter Wishes, some Happy Holidays...

And a very Happy New Year.

We'll see you back home, in 2020.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Great Photos of a Great Gathering!

Last weekend...

Marked one of our favorite...



Winter Gathering!

If you weren't...

Able to join us...

We hope all...

These pictures...

Will make you feel...

Like you were right there...

With us.

And this Winter Gathering...

Had a rare...

And special...


It was actually...


It's usually like...

58 degrees...

And rainy...

For Winter Gathering!

But not this year!

This year it was cold!

This year it was...


This year it was...


And that means...

We could do...



And icy things!

What kind...
Of cold,


Icy things?


Mostly just...


Down the bowl...


And over...

And over again.


There were...


To having...

A Winter Gathering...

That was actually...


For instance,

The photos...

Are definitely...


With a seasonal...



When it's this cold out...

It's even nicer...

To get OUT of the cold...

And back into the Dining Hall...

To warm up...

Around the fire.

But, of course...

The very best...


Of Winter Gathering...

Aren't weather dependent...

At all.

Cause when the Camp Family...

Gets together...

To catch up...

Over a little quality time...

In early December,

No matter the temperature,

It feels like perfect...

Winter Gathering weather.

(Oh, and also!

We raffled off some of the Campfire Council's brand-new Cabin T-Shirts!

Get your favorite cabin here and now! All profits go directly to our Campership Fund.)

Special thanks to all...

The attendees...


And staff volunteers...

Who made Winter Gathering possible.

You all help keep a wintry summer camp...

Merry and bright.