Kristy: Hi! So how long have you been the camp secretary for?
Heather: This will be my eighth summer at camp, but my seventh year.
K: Were you ever a camper at camp?
H: No, unfortunately I wasn’t. I wish I was though; it looks like a lot of fun!! How long were you a camper before you applied to be a counselor?
K: Hm, this will be my seventh summer at camp! I was a camper, a CIT, then a junior counselor for two years. So what made you want to work at this particular camp?
H: Well when I interviewed, I interviewed in front of like seven people, the board of New Brunswick. I wanted to work in a place that was like family. I wanted to work somewhere where I could feel comfortable and like I was making a difference.
K: Nice! I feel like camp is family, too. What’s your favorite thing about camp?
H: I don’t know if I have a favorite thing, but my favorite season for camp would be summer (for summer camp, obviously!) I like having the windows open, hearing campers singing songs, people running by… It makes things go a little faster, a little easier. So what made you go from volunteering to staff?
K: Hm, well I was a junior or volunteer counselor for two summers and I loved it. A week just wasn’t enough for me so I wanted to experience being a counselor for the entire summer! It was so much fun and I really wanted to be at camp for the entire summer!
H: Do you think you will have a hard time transitioning from a volunteer to an employee?
K: Well I think that it won’t be too hard. I’ve been a camper at camp, then was a counselor in training, and then a junior counselor for two summers as I said before. I didn’t think the transition was bad at all, in fact, I liked it a lot. I’m excited for this new position at camp and think I can handle the transition pretty well.
H: That’s good! It’s good to be confident in what you’ll be doing. What’s your favorite part about camp?
K: There’s so many but my absolute favorite thing is that camp is like family. When people say camp is like family, they’re not kidding! Everyone is so welcoming and inviting, no one judges you, and you can be yourself! I love that camp is like my second family.
H: Have you been to any other programs here at camp?
K: I went to leadership weekend for the first time this year! I really liked being there and glad I could make it. I got my mind back in camp mode and I got to meet some great people who will be around this summer.
H: Do you see yourself becoming a coordinator or just being a counselor and then moving on from there?
K: Well, I’m really excited to be a counselor this summer. I’m not sure if I’d want to be a coordinator though because you don’t get as close of that one on one experience with campers. I like being in the cabins and getting to know my campers! Hm, so let’s see. How about a random question… What’s your spirit animal and why?
H: I don’t know… I used to think it’s a wolf, or like a deer. I know it sounds weird, but yeah…
K: My school mascot is a stag!!
H: Yeah well they can take care of themselves but they also have that nurturing side where they can take care of others too. Deer are just running roads!!
K: Haha nice! What are you looking forward to most this summer?
H: Seeing a lot of returning staff. A lot of them keep coming back. The kitchen staff have come back year after year, even years before me! It’s nice to see everyone coming back, their families, and new faces who will be coming to camp and working here!
K: Uhmm so.. any other questions for me?
H: What’s your favorite theme for this year?
K: Well I’m most excited for chaos week because I’ve never been to a chaos themed week yet! (Can you believe it??) But out of the weeks I have been to, I’m looking forward to smorgasbord the most. My last year volunteering (two years ago) was this week and I really enjoyed it. It brought camp all together and was really fun to do “campy” activities. I’ve never done the wish boats before but it looks really pretty and I’m pumped.
H: What’s your favorite class?
K: Well, out of what I’ve taken so far, it would have to be outdoor cooking. I mean, you get to eat! What’s better than that?
H: Are you bummed that it’s not offered this year?
K: Wait, what??
H: Yeah, it’s not it’s own class this year, but don't worry! It’ll be incorporated elsewhere, like our brand-new "Trail Guide" Class.
K: Oh, cool. Well, I guess you learn something new everyday.
H: What’s your favorite class that you’ll be teaching?
K: I’m really excited to teach repurposed art. I think it’s so cool that you can turn junk or what others might throw away and turn it into something cool that you can show off.
H: Nice! Well, every year that you were here, I was in the background doing something. I’m the boring side of camp.
K: (side note) I don’t think she’s boring and we definitely need her! She’s, in fact, very important at camp!! (*Editor's Note: Thanks, Kristy! We all agree!)
Well I look forward to seeing you at camp this summer!
H: It’s only two-ish months away! Can’t wait to meet everyone too!