Yes! We just held our Third Annual Leadership Weekend, and this here blog post will fill you in on all the details, and answer each and every single one of your many, many Leadership Weekend-Related Questions!
Questions like:
"Well, who goes to Leadership Weekend?"
The answer is: People like this! |
And this! |
And also this! |
Yes, the answer is... |
That Leadership Weekend is for our campers... |
Who can no longer be campers... |
Because after summers... |
And summers... |
And summers here... |
They've gotten too old! |
They've aged out! |
They've graduated our CIT Program! |
And can no longer be campers! |
But! |
Wait for it. |
But! |
That doesn't mean their Camp journey is over. |
It means it's just beginning. |
Yes, their time as campers is behind them... |
But their future... |
As Junior Counselors... |
Lies ahead. |
Whoa, indeed. Yes. This face. I agree. |
So yes, that's who was here! People like this! (Sometimes they had lasagna with them.) |
And the weekend was run by people like this, our Senior Staff! |
And people like this, on our Camp Fire Council! |
Yes, people like this! |
And even people like this. |
"But what did you guys do all weekend?"
We made lunch! |
We set tables! |
We sat at tables! |
We had counselor training sessions! |
We played counselor training games! |
Real fun counselor training games! |
We even kept score of counselor training games! |
We walked around! |