So, dinosaurs and tearful reunions and giant clock towers aside, we came to London to find international staff members to hang out with us in the woods for Summer 2015.
So. Let me paint you a picture.
The fair is held right in the center of the City of London, across the street for Westminster Abbey at the Queen Elizabeth the II Conference Centre. (Sounds a tad English, doesn't it? With where the "R" goes and all? And the Queen. That part too.)
Westminster Abbey out the convention center window. I wonder what that line of people is... |
That line wrapping all the way around the square... |
And waiting to get into the conference center... |
Over 3000 Camp America applicants visit the London Job Fair! |
One of the interesting facts I heard is that the Camp America counselor line is longer than the line to ride the London Eye. (The big ol' Ferris wheel in the skyline.) |
And inside we all waited and prepared our booths. |
Over 150 camps were in attendance. |
Ohh. Booth 124 sounds like a nice camp. I want to go to that camp. |
All right. Let's do this thing. |
150 camps? |
3000 applicants? |
No problem-o. Let's find the FIVE that we think fit L.G. Cook the best...and for whom L.G. Cook best matches what they're looking for from their Camp America experience. |
We talk to 'em! That's how. We explain what we try to create every summer at L.G. Cook and why we're passionate about Camp, and try to find the folks who want to be apart of that for a summer of their lives.
And we think we found 'em.
Are you ready to meet - live and in person -
(Well, we met them live and in person. You'll have to meet them via a single photograph taken a week ago and shown to you over the internet and through whatever screen you happen to be looking we'll call that live and in person-ish.)
SO, are you ready to meet, LIVE AND IN-PERSONish, your Lindley G. Cook International Staff Members of 2015!
Meet Zoe! She'll be a counselor in creative arts! |
Meet Lois! She'll be helping us out in the kitchen! |
Meet Michael, a waterfront counselor! |
Meet Tara, Environmental Education counselor! |
And meet Emma, a counselor at the Waterfront! |
Though we've had awesome success in the past hiring on just applications and long distance interviews, it really was fantastic to get the opportunity to get to talk to these folks face to face and find who'd be the perfect fit for L.G. Cook. And the next we see them, they'll be showing up to spend a summer with us in Stokes Forest, along the shores of Lake Shawanni. Can't wait.
Next time on Go Back to the Mountains: London Edition Volume V: The Final Edition! (How many posts can you do about one trip to London, anyway? Five, is the answer. Five.)