Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Two More Pics

And two more pictures throw their hats into the ring to be the picture of Summer 2014! 

*A side note*:
Can pictures have hats? I suppose if the picture is of a hat. And what ring? Forget about pictures throwing their hats (which they don't have) into rings (which we don't understand), what does that expression even mean for humans? 

Ahh. Apparently in the early 19th century, a member of the crowd during a boxing match could take the hat of their head (they all wore hats back then, naturally) and by throwing it into the boxing ring (they were circular then, not square) would signify that they would be the next challenger against the reigning champion. If there was no champ to box, the single hat would wait in the ring until another hat was tossed in as well, and then they'd have a good ol' fashioned 1800's boxing match on their hands.

So I guess the appropriate question is not, can pictures have hats but can

And the answer is of course yes, figuratively, if they're duking it out to see who will be THE Picture of Summer 2014.

See, I knew it'd all come back around. You just have to give it time, is all.

And how will we determine which picture (of our many nominees) wins the bout and emerges victorious as THE Picture of 2014?

Really don't know yet. We'll figure out something. Gimme a break, summer like just ended, I'm still taking it easy.

Your new contenders, hats and all:

From Robyn. Cabin #6 gone piratical.

And from a secret, anonymous source we'll code-name "Mark Schlichting's Dad". If this picture doesn't sum up a random second of a Cabin #4 counselors life, I don't know what does.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Photo Phinalists! Foto Finalists? The English Language is weird.

Below are various pictures we received which are attempting to summarize, review, condense, squeeze-in and en-capsulize all that was Summer 2014 at Lindley G. Cook 4-H Camp down into one single tiny little  photo. 

An impossible task, you say? Impossible!?


But we're trying anyway. 

Check out the contenders thus far:

Jared said,  "I couldn't decide between a few of my fave pics, so I made them into one!"

An epic Battle for the Island Pump-Up shot from Miranda.

Kiera sent in Cabin #11 looking extravagant.

Dora says, "I nominate this picture simply because no one looks good in it".

From Sarah: "I think this picture could definitely be a front runner.  From the messy faces from Viking dinner to the licking of the Freak Out bowl, this photo perfectly displays what our Thursday night dinners are all about."

Kayli proposed an action shot of our counselors looking their very best during a game of blob tag.

And a bonus beautiful panoramic shot from Lakeside submitted by Kiera.

And an even more bonus beautiful shot of The Majestic Jasper from Miranda.