That's right. It's time to announce the themes for Summer 2014. Your voices were heard when you voted a couple weeks ago, and though we had planned on disregarding popular opinion and just going with whatever themes we felt like, we changed our minds and ACTUALLY picked the six themes with the most votes. Camp democracy in action.
Without further adieu.
Because there's nothing worse than adieu.
Or me hitting the enter key anymore times.
And taking up valuable line space on the internet.
There's only so much to go around.
After all.
Your THEMES for 2014...
Drum roll please.
Do a drum roll. It'll help with the suspense.
Really do a drum roll.
I know you're not doing it.
Do a drum roll on your desk. Or you laptop. Or tablet. Or phone. Or whatever way they've invented to read this on in the last ten minutes that no one has told me about.
Drum roll. Please. (I'm going to choose to trust that you're doing it.)
( that a noise a drum roll makes?)
Session One (July 7-12): The
Hungry Games!
Based on nothing, this week focuses on ludicrous
competitions in our all-camp activities, and all campers win the Hungry Games
three times a day with our delicious and nutritious breakfasts, lunches, and
dinners. Cabins will be divided into a
variety of regions and zones (I suppose you could say “districts”) and will
participate in a week long series of contests, activities and feats to
determine who will be the last group standing! (The last group standing because
everyone else has already sat down to have snack.) May the chances always be on
your side as we battle against copyright infringement and solve all problems in
a completely peaceful and non-aggressive way.
Session Two (July 14-19): Pirates
Lake Shawanni becomes our seven seas, the cabins our hidden
islands, and the dining hall our port in the storm as we search for renown and
adventure the pirate way. We also avoid scurvy with our supply of fresh fruit.
Pirate chants will be chanted as we launch our epic Battle For the Lake and
scavenger hunt all over our 108 acres in search for buried treasure and camp
trivia answers.
Session Three (July 21-26): Chaos
Words cannot describe Chaos week. However, for the next
paragraph we’ll do our best. Chaos week
is the mid-point in the summer, and our staff always seem to go just a little
nutty. Counselors act way out of the ordinary and pull a steady string of
pranks all over camp. Chances are that near the end of the week we’ll have to
call in a Chaos Expert ( a certain Evil Doctor) to preside over a Kangaroo
Court, and sentence the guiltiest counselors to our patented Chaos Machine. No
one ever knows exactly what will occur during Chaos weeks, but it’s a safe bet
that some staff will be covered in ice cream.
Session Four (July 28-August 2): Medieval
We travel back to the land of castles and knights,
princesses and jesters, kings and queens and the rest. Dragons circle above the
tree-line, wizard’s cast spells and goblins (very friendly, adorable goblins)
lurk beneath the buildings. Let your
cabin be your castle, Battle For the Island will feature extra dark age themes
and Friday’s all camp game will send campers all over to camp to stations
featuring creatures, magic, and more excitement than you can shake a cardboard
sword at.
Session Five (August 4-9): Super Secret Agent Spy Week
Classified information is up for grabs and top-secret
missions must be accomplished. Where do each groups’ allegiances truly lie? Who
knows what? A week full of code words, hidden plans, and surprising twists and
turns. Counselor double agents will lie in wait in each group avoiding
identification, mysteries will need to be solved, plots need to be foiled and Camp
Clue will never have been trickier.
Session Six (August 11-16): Camp Smorgasboard
The traditional end of summer festival. Our final week of
the summer, we celebrate the end of the season and all the fun we’ve had at
camp all summer long with a Waterfront BBQ, wish boat brigade, and other
end-of-summer only events. The last week of Camp for summer is always a special
one, so come join all the counselors and staff in wishing the 2014 season a
fond farewell.
...and there you have it. The Themes for Summer 2014!
Thanks for drum rolling!
And start getting excited for which weeks you'll join us at Camp next summer now.